uninstall httpd centos , uninstall httpd fedora
Remove httpd under Red Hat / RHEL / Fedora / CentOS Linux
Use rpm or yum command to delete the software.
To list the installed software type
rpm -qa | less
rpm -qa {software-name}
yum list | less
yum list {software-name}
To get information about httpd package, enter:
rpm -qa httpd
yum list httpd
To remove a software use rpm or yum command as follows
rpm -e {software-name}
yum remove {software-name}
To delete a package called httpd, enter:
rpm -e httpd
yum remove httpd
Delete / Uninstall Software Under Debian / Ubuntu Linux
To list installed software type:
To delete the software, enter:
dpkg --list
dpkg --list | less
dpkg --list | grep apache
To delete the software, enter:
sudo apt-get remove {package-name}
sudo apt-get remove apache
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