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How to Increase File Attachment Size in Exchange 2016

How to Increase File Attachment Size in Exchange 2016

how to increase file attachments size in Microsoft Exchange 2016

 Many administrators need to know how to increase file attachments size in Microsoft Exchange 2016 , email is not only contain the text messages but also contain of documents, images, videos, etc.,

 In the form of attachments. The other forms of data are attached along with emails and hence to secure the mailbox databases from unmanageable increasing, it is important to know how to increase the file attachment size in Exchange 2016.

Remember that there is a difference between message size limits and attachment size limits. The message size limits owns the limit to be applied to total size of a message that contains the header, body, and any attachment of the mail. However, the attachment size limit is a constraint applied to size of a single file that is to be attached with the mail.

Currently the problem is that how to increase file attachment size in exchange 2016?

In this article we will show how to increase file attachments size in Microsoft Exchange 2016.

You have a single exchange 2016 server, all sure is using the default settings. You have a single user or all users that needs to send e-mail with attachments larger than the default 10mb size.
You will need to change the Organizational limit as below:-
Using Exchange Control Panel (ECP) you can increase file attachments size in Microsoft Exchange 2016.

Step by Step how to increase file attachments size in Microsoft Exchange 2016:-

  1.  Open ECP Panel.
  2.  Then choose from left menus Mail Flow.
  3. After that choose receive connectors.
  4. Then choose from three dots more options.
  5.  Choose organization transport settings.
  6. From Limits now you can change Maximum receive message size (MB) to the value that you want as example and standard is 15Mb
  7. Also you can change Maximum send message size (MB) to the value that you want.

How to Increase File Attachment Size in Exchange 2016

Now try to send emails from your inboxe and you will see that you increased the file attachments size in Exchange 2016.
If you need any help please don't hesitate to contact me.

How to Increase File Attachment Size in Exchange 2016

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  1. "How to Increase File Attachment Size in Exchange 2016 .. my question is why someone want to increse file size im intrested in redection of file can someone tell me how to do that. for my website i have alot of images.
    Desi TV


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